The Koton Hador has passed, its true. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. But the Godol is still alive and kicking. AddeRabbi has a eulogy for me, and Rashi's Daughter now has a link to the Godol Hador z"l. I am alive ! Don't write me off just yet.
I installed the page hit counter last Friday, and today it is showing close to 5,000. Next week I shall be hosting a special "Koton Hador Study Week", lzecher haKoton oloveshalom. I shall take the counter score at the end of the week, and then we will have a statistically reliable measure of how many people prefer letzonus to Torah.
I would hate for letzonus to win out, so please: visit often and invite your friends too (with a seperate browser).
Please do not disappoint !
Good Shabbos.